Loose housing

Comfort to increase performance and profitability


Quality bedding has a direct impact on the comfort of the animals and limits the appearance of lesions on the legs (pododermatitis) and on the hindquarters. Straw that has been graded and defibrated (breaking up the stems and bolls) provides an optimal bedding structure.

Litter from 1,5cm

It is very important to defibrate and calibrate the straw to a maximum of 15mm. Beyond this length, many studies carried out by different groups show a systematic deterioration in animal welfare.

Dust-free straw bedding

Our "Dust Shield" device automatically injects products to fix dust (80% reduction) and disinfect the litter to make re-cultivation safer..

+1.5€ margin Chick/Feed

The results show that calibrated straw allows a saving of at least 21% on your litter costs compared to 100% straw shavings and a saving of at least 16% compared to straw pellets.

Put the priority on quality resting time for your livestock

  • Milking herds can gain an additional 1 liter (2.2lb) of milk/day for every 1.5 hours of lying time. William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute

  • Beef livestock can see a 30% improvement in live weight gain in straw beds, compared to those with no bedding. Carrington Research Extension

Save up to 18.2% of straw usage and reduce the time required to bed cattle by 29.5% 

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