Livestock Health-Diary Cattle Diet

Improving Butter Fat %

Livestock Health-Diary

Short Straw Health Impact

Dairy Cattle-Bedding Sanitization

Mastitis Disease Prevention

Livestock Health-Hydroshield

Livestock Health-Hydroshield

Keep it dry?

Quality bedding has a direct impact on the comfort of the animals and limits the appearance of lesions on the legs (pododermatitis) and on the hindquarters. Straw that has been graded and defibrated (breaking up the stems and bolls) provides an optimal bedding structure.

Livestock Health-Short Straw

Livestock Health-Short Straw

Short Enough?

Preparing premixes with calibrated forages reduces mixing times and fuel consumption. Our grinders with calibration grids provide a consistent fibre length and a clean cut, for a mixed ration with an optimal ruminal index.

Livestock Health-Farming Time Saver

Livestock Health-Farming Time Saver

Dairy Farming

Cattle spend 12 to 14 hours of their "bedtime" lying down. Therefore, soft, dry and clean bedding is extremely important. In this sense, optimising bedding comfort will have a direct impact on milk production and on the economic performance of your farm.

Livestock Health-Higher Profit Margins

Livestock Health-Higher Profit Margins

Affordable Health?

With 40mm straw grading you will reduce your straw consumption in cubicles by at least 30-40% compared to long straw. In addition to reducing the amount of straw used, the calibrated straw forms a dense, comfortable and absorbent "mattress" on the stall carpet. This reduces the risk of lameness and tarsitis.

“Our results show how beneficial consistently pre-processed
straw is in obtaining good dry cow intakes, even over straw
that is mixed well in a wagon.”

James Johns - Farmer, 260 Holsteins at Sixty Acre Farm, UK.

Video Testimonial

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”

James Johns - Farmer, 260 Holsteins at Sixty Acre Farm, UK.

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